No: 342, 14 November 2022, Press Release Regarding the 78th Anniversary of the Deportation of Ahıska Turks From Their Homeland

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 14.11.2022

On 14 November 1944, around a hundred thousand Ahıska Turks, including children, women and the elderly, were deported from their ancestral homeland in the Ahıska region of Georgia to the remote regions of the Soviet Union.

Thousands of our kinsmen lost their lives during the deportation, and the ones who survived struggled to continue with their lives in exile facing great difficulties. Despite the hardship, they have always preserved their Turkish identity and passed it on to future generations.

Türkiye, closely follows the situation and repatriation of 500,000 Ahıska Turks, who were scattered around different countries and gives them full support in this regard.

On the 78th anniversary of this tragic incident, we share the grief of our Ahıska brothers and sisters and wish Allah’s mercy upon those who lost their lives during the deportation.


Pazartesi - Pazar

09:00 - 16:00

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